
Frequently Asked Questions About Krav Maga Training In Woburn

Most questions that we receive about Krav Maga trainng in Woburn are very similar e.g., how much does it cost to train? Is there sparring? Etc. On this page are some of the most frequently asked questions that we receive. If your particular question isn't answered, please feel free to contact us by clicking here.

Krav Maga FAQ's

Adult Classes – Our adult Krav Maga program is either $185/month, for unlimited classes and training, or $155/month, for serving military, veterans, first responders and full-time students. This is the only pricing plan we offer e.g., there are no pay-by-class, or buying books of classes etc. Members of the school pay no additional costs for belts and gradings (including black belt testing). Members also get to attend our additional regular seminars, and take part in specialist training e.g., outdoor, beach training etc., at no additional cost. You also automatically become a member of our online Krav Maga training website, which contains drills, demonstrations, and explanations of techniques etc. If you are interested in joining the school, you will first need to take a beginner's class. You can book a beginner Krav Maga class by clicking the button below.

Beginner Classes

Kids & Teens Program – our Kids and Teens Krav Maga program runs once a week on Saturday mornings, with each year being split into two semesters (15 sessions each), which roughly follow the school year. The cost per child/teen per semester is $270. For new members they can register for the program for $25, that allows them to take the first class. If after taking it they decide that they don’t want to continue, by informing the school, the remaining $245 will not be taken. To learn more about our Kids program please click the button below.

Kids & Teens Program

All adults, regardless of their experience, whether in Krav Maga and/or other martial arts are required to take a 60-minute introductory class. This introduces them to the drills we use in class, and also teaches them how to work with different pads and equipment – that we use in our classes – safely. This 60-minute class also introduces prospective students to some of the fundamental concepts and principles upon which Krav Maga solutions are based, as understanding these is important for new students to understand why the system is taught in the way it is. If you are interested in signing up for a beginner Krav Maga class at our Woburn location (classes are taught by Head Instructor, Gershon Ben Keren – to learn more about him, click here), please use the button below.

Beginner Classes

If you have a kid or teen who you are thinking about signing up for our Kids and Teens Krav Maga program, please use the button below to be taken to the relevant page.

Kids & Teens Program

When training in any martial arts or self-defense system an instructor should be open and willing to answer any/all of the following questions (just substitute Krav Maga and Israel, for the name of the martial art, and its country of origin):

  • 1. How long have they been training in Krav Maga? At the very least 5 years. Most Krav Maga black belt programs in Israel take at least 10, however in Israel some practitioners are sometimes allowed to take their system’s instructor course at Green Belt – which can sometimes be gained in 5 years.
  • 2. How long was the Krav Maga instructor course they took? The standard amongst all legitimate Krav Maga associations in Israel is at least 29 days (10 hours a day) of training.
  • 3. Who ran and certified their instructor course? Was it an Israeli instructor, and/or were there Israelis involved in the running/teaching of their instructor course.
  • 4. Have they trained in Israel? Whilst this is not so important from a teaching perspective, why wouldn’t you go and train there if you believe in and are passionate about Krav Maga?
  • 5. Do they have contacts in Israel who notify and update them when changes to the system are made? Krav Maga is an ever-evolving system, with changes being made as better solutions to attacks and threats are worked upon, without a direct line to Israel, these improvements will never be communicated.

An instructor may have different answers to these that are valid because they followed a more unconventional path/route to becoming a Krav Maga instructor, however their explanation should be honest and make sense, other wise you may find yourself learning something that isn’t Krav Maga and doesn’t use the same training methods that Krav Maga uses, and which makes it a fast and effective system of self-defense to learn.

The short answer is no. Krav Maga is a complete system that includes striking, grappling and ground fighting (along with dealing with weapons in all of these different dimensions). Krav Maga doesn’t need to supplement its syllabus by drawing from other martial arts such as Muay Thai and BJJ etc. The danger with combining different martial arts alongside Krav Maga is that their tactics are often at odds with those that Krav Maga employs e.g., BJJ (Brazilian Ju-Jitsu) advocates taking the fight to the ground. This strategy works very well in a controlled environment where it is a one-on-one fight (such as in challenge matches between two fighters), however in Krav Maga, we assume, because we are dealing with real-life violence, that there is always the potential for third parties to join the original attacker, or for them to pull a weapon such as a knife etc. making the ground a very dangerous place to be. Muay Thai awards points for fighters who move forward and engage; the system is designed around this, at it makes for more interesting fights for the spectators. However, always moving forward, may work when you’re fighting against somebody who weighs the same as you (in the same weight class), it might be a sub-optimal strategy when encounter a real-life aggressor who is bigger, stronger and doesn’t adhere to the “rules”.

If you are looking to develop linear skills, such as how to fight on the ground, or striking then BJJ and Muay Thai are great systems to learn i.e., they teach you how to be extremely proficient in certain and distinct environments, however this wasn’t what Krav Maga was designed for. It was created for dealing with real-life violence, that could involve weapons and more than one assailant etc. This is why we don’t mix our Krav Maga training with other martial arts. Krav Maga has its own philosophy and strategies.

Sparring – we have a sparring class once a week. The night varies each week to give everybody who wants to spar the opportunity to do so. Students book the classes they intend to attend on the website. This allows them to see which night that week sparring is on. When somebody new joins the school they are not initially allowed to free spar. During the class they are taken through drills and exercises that prepare them to be able to spar in a productive and rewarding manner i.e., we don’t just let students spar without them first not knowing what they are do. For students who want to engage in these classes they don’t initially need sparring gear (gloves and shin guards), however if they want to participate in these classes fully, they will need to acquire this equipment. The instructors at the school can give guidance as to the type of equipment they need, as well as pointing to some reputable and inexpensive websites where they can purchase the necessary equipment.

Ground Fighting – We teach both ground survival and ground fighting. Ground survival is about being able to “survive” on the ground with the aim of getting back to your fight, whilst ground fighting is about finishing the fight there. One of the methods we use is “rolling”, where students “compete” and “workout” solutions. As with our sparring classes, safety is paramount, which means that the way we conduct these bouts is more “playful” than “winning” at all costs. These types of training experience should be productive for all those involved, and not just benefit one party.