
Krav Maga Books

Krav Maga Books By Gershon Ben Keren
(Krav Maga Woburn Head Instructor)

Books By Gershon Ben Keren

In 2013 Tuttle Publishing approached Gershon Ben Keren to write a book on Krav Maga. A commissioning editor at Tuttle had been following Gershon's blog about Krav Maga ( The Krav Maga Blog) and wanted him to write the first full color book on the system/approach. This book became, "Krav Maga - Real World Solutions to Real World Violence", which was followed by, "Krav Maga - Tactical Survival", and "Krav Maga - Extreme Survival". All three have been Amazon best sellers.

Krav Maga: Real World Solutions To Real World Violence by Gershon Ben Keren (Krav Maga Woburn Head Instructor)

Krav Maga: Real World Solutions To Real World Violence

Tuttle Publishing 2014

“Krav Maga - Real World Solutions to Real World Violence” is a book that is comprised of three sections: the first laying out the fundamental blocks, and strikes of the Krav Maga Yashir system; the second, looks at a variety of solutions to armed scenarios (Knife and gun threats/attacks) and situation; with the third looking at unarmed attacks, involving, locks and controls etc. All of the self-defense scenarios detailed in the book were shot in bars, and pubs in Boston and the surrounding cities e.g., Somerville, Medford etc., with the photographs being taken in full color. All of the techniques demonstrated in the book are shown at full speed, with movement, to capture the dynamic nature of real-life violence. This process involved executing the attacks and solutions at full speed with the camera on “rapid-fire” mode, over and over again, till each step and stage in a solution had been captured ( this process was repeated for all subsequent books. As well as teaching physical solutions to deal with violence, the book describes methods to predict, identify and avoid violence in the first place, based on criminological research.

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Krav Maga Tactical Survival by Gershon Ben Keren (Krav Maga Woburn Head Instructor)

Krav Maga Tactical Survival: Personal Safety In Action

Tuttle Publishing 2016

Using the same process to demonstrate solutions and techniques to violence as, “Krav Maga - Real World Solutions to Real World Violence” (techniques demonstrated at full speed, and in the locations where violence occurs e.g., bars, pubs, in parking lots and on the street etc.), Gershon Ben Keren’s second book focuses on dealing with “social violence” i.e., aggressive incidents and events that develop out of social interactions, such as arguments and disputes over parking spaces, frustrations that result from people jumping ahead in a line, or from being accidentally knocked into etc. Whilst his first book focused on premeditated acts of violence, such as abductions and robberies, committed by predatory individuals who planned their offenses, with a specific goal in mind, the focus of “Krav Maga – Tactical Survival” is on spontaneous incidents where an aggressor may not be sure of what will resolve the conflict for them. As well as containing physical solutions, the book also looks at and details the de-escalation process that Gershon developed and used in his thirty plus years working in the security industry.

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Krav Maga Extreme Survival: Active Shooter, Carjacking & Home Invasion by Gershon Ben Keren (Krav Maga Woburn Head Instructor)

Krav Maga Extreme Survival: Active Shooter, Carjacking & Home Invasion

Tuttle Publishing 2018

Whilst Gershon’s first two books, looked at common, everyday types of violence e.g., social conflicts and disputes, street robberies and muggings etc., his third, “Krav Maga – Extreme Survival”, focused on less common but higher stakes types of violence. The book looks at solutions to active shooters and active killers, along with some of the warning signs and indicators that somebody may be considering lethal violence. In preparation for the book Gershon applied the same research methods that he employs when engaged in academic criminological research to analyze over 140 incidents, to discover both the commonalities as well as the differences between them. These findings now provide the foundation for the active shooter/killer training that Krav Maga Yashir provides to educational and corporate enterprises throughout the U.S. The book also looks at car-jackings and home invasions, where Gershon reached out to co-workers in the security industry in South Africa, to compare the similarities and differences between these types of events in the U.S., and there. Two types of offenses which are extremely prevalent there.

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